OurShelves with special guest Kaitlyn Greenidge

OurShelves with Kaitlyn Greenidge

OurShelves with Kaitlyn Greenidge

OurShelves: Kaitlyn Greenidge on the White Gaze


Kaitlyn Greenidge, acclaimed author of Libertie and We Love You, Charlie Freeman, has written the new introduction to Ann Petry’s landmark Virago Modern Classics novel The Narrows. She takes a deep dive into Black American history, where Petry’s writing depicts an interior life under the unrelenting gaze of whiteness. Join her conversation with Lucy Scholes to find out why a single mother and Beat poet put speed in her coffee, more realistic alternatives to Emily in Paris and the concept of gender in Yoruba culture in Nigeria.


Click here to listen.


On the nightstand – books that are currently on your bedside table

Recollections of My life as a Woman, Diane di Prima.

Black Girl in Paris, Shay Youngblood.

On your mind – a recent article, podcast, film, series or song

The Just Enough Family podcast.

Love Life season two.

On the shelf – one book that made you think about feminism in a new way

The Invention of Women: Making An African Sense of Western Gender Discourses, Oyeronke Oyewumi.

On the pedestal – tell us about one person (woman or non-binary) you admire

The artist Tourmaliine for her use of the archives and archival history to create art.