Leila Meacham
By the Author
Texas in the early 1900s, its inhabitants still traveling by horseback and barely familiar with the telephone, is on the cusp of a high-stakes industrial…
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Crowning Design
A tender, classic love story about letting go of the past and finding the courage to embrace love from the New York Times bestselling author…
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Aly’s House
A tender, classic love story about the power of first love and beauty of forgiveness from the New York Times bestselling author of Roses. Aly…
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One hundred fifty years of Roses' Tolivers, Warwicks, and DuMonts! We begin in the antebellum South on Plantation Alley in South Carolina, where Silas Toliver,…
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Devoted readers of Leila Meacham will devour this long, juicy page-turner. TUMBLEWEEDS is the story of three young friends-the saint, the sinner, and the angel-growing…
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East Texas, 1916 In the great mansions of Houston Avenue, Howbutker, live the town's founding families: Toliver, Warwick and DuMont. Over generations they have settled…