Gill Edwards
By the Author
Conscious Medicine
Radical changes are afoot in medicine as we build stronger bridges between science and spirituality. In CONSCIOUS MEDICINE Gill Edwards explains that mind and body…
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Stepping Into The Magic
Developing the ideas contained in her first book, LIVING MAGICALLY, Gill Edwards presents a new approach to everyday life which questions our old assumptions and…
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Pure Bliss
PURE BLISS is an indispensable handbook for the 21st century. Written by leading spiritual writer and teacher Gill Edwards, you will learn how to: *…
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Living Magically
Living Magically is a book that has changed countless lives. In this lively and inspiring guide to the tools and techniques of metaphysics, Gill Edwards…
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Life Is A Gift
If you have a dream, you can make it come true. You can create your own heaven on earth, no matter what your starting point.…